Bike Rental (Full Season) - Sports aux Puces VéloGare

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Bike Rental (Full Season)


1. The equipment remains the property of Sports aux Puces VéloGare.
2. You are responsible for taking care of the equipment and keeping it in a state of normal wear.
3. Please return before October 31st. A late fee of $3 per day may be charged after this date.
4. In case of breakage due to misuse or theft, and if the customer has not taken out a protection contract, then the customer will have to pay to Sports aux Puces VéloGare the pre-established market value usually documented in the rental contract.


1. In effect only if chosen by the client and if the contract fee has been paid in full at the time of rental.
2. In the event of accidental and sudden failure of the equipment or any part thereof, Sports aux Puces VéloGare will repair (or replace at its discretion) the equipment at no charge. Excluded from this coverage are excessive wear and tear (as defined by the consumer protection office), falls, traffic accidents, and flat tires.
3. If the bike needs brake or gear adjustments during the season, they will be done free of charge by Sports aux Puces VéloGare according to the technicians' schedule..

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