Recup - Poudre de récupération - Sports aux Puces VéloGare

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Upika Recup - Recup powder

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Optimal recovery for endurance athletes who want to do it again day after day.


It all starts with


Consistency is a crucial factor in achieving your goals. And to achieve this consistency, it is essential to prioritize recovery. It is with this in mind that we created the Recup formula which allows athletes to start again better day after day.

Muscle repair

EAAs make it possible to start the muscle repair process as soon as training is finished, while glutamine facilitates the replenishment of glucogen reserves in addition to reducing muscle damage.

Taurine and carnitine act by reducing inflammation and, therefore, aches.

Complete hydration

The 300mg of sodium and the broad electrolyte profile in each serving ensures deep rehydration.

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